Monday, June 17, 2024

The Ministry Of Ungentlemanly Warfare (Guy Ritchie, 2024)

What is that thing that is called feelgood cinema? Feelgood cinema, fun cinema, guilty pleasure you can name it as you like, but the thing that remains is that it makes you feel... high. Like you have smoked the best joint in the world. Guy Ritchie is one of the biggest "sellers" of feelgood cinema and that is a fucking fact. But watching at The Ministry I can say, easily, that there is more to Ritchie's cinema than simple fun. There is a type of pleasure and a finesse that you rarely find in a filmmaker nowadays. The Ministry is a movie that is very loosely based on true events, but that is not the point here and certainly that is not the point with Guy's cinema. The movie has a thousand eyes and a million hands. It moves with miraculous speed, beauty and valor. There is that certain... Guy Ritchie quality in the movie that makes it to rise higher than the average well shot war movie. Yes my friends the movie not only has the looks, but it has the fucking attitude also to bewitch you as a spectator. It's that phantasmagoria of style and etiquette that makes this beauty move, actually.
I can easily say that I had a blast of fun and a good time with it. But again that's not where it all ends. There is a flavor in the image and the tone of the film. It's like the frame and everything that's in it speak a language of nobles. And when I say nobles don't mean self-righteous stuck-ups. I mean people with chivalry. And that's exactly where you can find this Guy Ritchie's movie. Yes it's a war movie, but it has something exotic, something bewitching, something mystic inside of it. You can take that movie and serve it at a party where all the guests wear peculiar costumes and unearthly masks and it will definitely be a number one hit. Because the movie has a very eccentric side. A side that is well hidden underneath the guns and the bullets, but if you are there, watching the film, you can sense it and understand it perfectly. So let's just say that The Ministry Of Ungentlemanly Warfare is a suit that is worn by the few, the brave and aesthetically daring.  

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