Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Rum Diary (Bruce Robinson, 2011)

Another book by the great and unforgettable Hunter S. Thompson that is been made to a movie that Johnny Depp apart from starring he serves as a co-producer also. A dive inside one man's pathos for alchool and truth in journalism the movie strikes the viewer with its overwhelming persona and his crazy deeds. One of the alter egos of Hunter here in his adventures in Puerto Rico. A film too crazy too be true as were all the adventures that Hunter was writing, a one man's show, a crazy ride filled with alchool and passion for writing and a movie that has a straightforward comment against the "bastards" as Hunter was calling them. The Rum Diary is a moment where the human being is been driven to its limits, is a moment where truth shines through a secret window and finally a movie that is here to entertain us but with that exeptional style of Hunter where entertainment means something more than stupid laughs and fart jokes.
A comment about society and the mistakes that we see every day and do nothing about it, the evils of this world pictured through a humorous and crazy lens and most certainly a film that speaks the truth, the truth for the individual who struggles inside the sufffocating society and the "others" the simple spectators. The asnwer to the craziness of this world and to its evilness it's absolute craziness from the individual. The main character lives an excessive life of drinking because he wants to find his position among those people and it's hard for him to cope with all the stupidity and meanness that he sees. The main character is a tragic as it a humorous persona, there is no clear view which of the sides is more powerful, is like they blend with each other. The Rum Diary is a movie that passed like nothing happened, when in reality we are talking about a deeply honest movie and a movie that tells things about our nature and the things that we do and fuck other's peoples lives. There is that sense of the rude human being in that movie and is been pictured in the most realistic, clear and imaginative way, there is truly so much in that movie and it is a real pitty that very few people bothered even to see it. 

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