Friday, January 3, 2020

Killer Joe (William Friedkin, 2011)

A depraved crime story. A crime story that has craziness and misanthropy written all over it. And the funny thing is that is presented in a way that this lunacy that the film depicts can make it be called a black comedy. If your comedy antennas are highly twisted. A film that writes dysfunction everywhere, a family that has for members people who are unable to live a normal life. People whose destiny is to be destroyed. A film that has immoral codes. A film that you get a headache while watching it from the too much shouting. And finally a movie that with all the hypocricy and deceit that it pictures can be definitely called a story of pure hate. Passionate hate for everything.
Killer Joe is a movie that celebrates the crime and neo-noir mythology by picturing a story of pure moral corruption. There is no character in the movie that can be called innocent. As a matter of fact even the sister who is in some ways innocent, is been pictured as somehow crazy. An extreme story with extreme emotions and reactions that go from bad to absolutely shitty. There is no salvation for this family, there is no redemption for this family and the only thing that you can do in this film is hope for the worst. An absolutely nihilistic story and film that really bewitches the spectator with its undeniable penetrating agenda, atmosphere and story.

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