Thursday, April 18, 2024

It Follows (David Robert Mitchell, 2014)

 I have often thought that making into a thrilling movie the simplest of ideas, takes a lot of talent. It Follows is a movie that the story, the "thing" of the movie, stays in the title. And I assure there is nothing more in this movie other than its title, as far as the story is concerned. Now the fact that from there, meaning from having a film that has said everything through its title, till the film that you are watching, is like you have crossed mountains and lakes, goes to the creator of the movie, who has done splendid job indeed. It Follows is a hypnotic movie, a mystic movie. It's not about the actual scare in this movie, but mostly is to get you into a certain type of... threatening mood. The thing that follows people. And it follows and it follows and it won't rest till they are dead. Absolutely brilliant, minimalistic idea and an exquisite visualization of that, makes It Follows one of the most interesting horror films that you can find out there.
There are a few moments that I said to myself, while watching the movie, that this director knows cinema extremely well. He knows how to combine image, sound, music and create a unique atmosphere that is quite difficult to be put in plain words, because everything is so much alive in this movie. You can feel the houses, the streets, the cars, the pools. Everything has a character in there. And I think that is what makes a movie great, the fact that you forget that you are watching a movie and you are being swept into a filmic universe that has everything, from structure and laws till soul and heart. It Follows is definitely one of the B-side horror movies, because it doesn't try to shock you in any way. It tries to penetrate you and that is even more effective, than cheap shock. It tries to leave a mark on you. To make you take the movie with you, after you have left the theater. And the truth is that it succeeds in everything that it tries that film. 

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